A franchise opportunity at S.A.M is open to all individuals or companies who share a genuine passion for educating young minds. Get in touch with us to find out more.
"I visited Khina’s grade 4 class yesterday and her teacher advised me that Khina is performing exceptionally well in division. Khina also told us that it was easy to learn division as she used the method she learned at S.A.M"
Neige V.
Mother of Neelan
"Our son Neelan greatly benefited from the time he spent at S.A.M. He was losing interest in school (grade one) and homework was a struggle. After one class, I could see the difference in my son. He no longer viewed math in a negative light. The small group dynamic worked wonderfully and the space itself is cheery and bright. I would highly recommend S.A.M”
Cristina U
Mother of Victor
"Victor brought home today the results of his first math evaluations for this year. You must know that the 3 month spent together were not wasted. Congratulations for your team work. In the attachment he achieved 100% (30/30) in the situational problem solving so you can see how far he is from his 34% from last year."
Grade 4 Student
"I am really grateful for all I am learning at S.A.M! I went from being a girl that didn't like math to one that enjoys it. I actually got rewarded at school with the "Star of the Week" because the teacher noticed the progress I had made from 3rd to 4th grade, and I owe it to S.A.M! Luana is a great teacher. She makes sure I fully understand the concept before moving on to new things."
We'll get back to you soon!
If you have any questions we would love to hear from you!