Classroom Experience


The Classroom Experience, conducted by certified S.A.M trainers, engages students with dialogue, probing questions, props, games and a healthy dose of encouragement. The idea is to make learning fun and memorable through an array of interactive experiences.

During this engagement time the trainer also takes the opportunity to accesses how the student is coping with his work, his rate of progress and his level of motivation. Qualified S.A.M trainers understand that their role is not just to instill mathematical knowledge in students, but to also inculcate the right learning attitude and self discipline in them in preparation for their future.

We provide a coaching pedagogy in the Classroom Experience where your child is encouraged to discover their solutions rather than to be told what to do. We also use concrete examples through props and games to reinforce mathematical concepts.

We use the CPA method of teaching. Developed by Jerome Bruner, an American psychologist, it is a gradual and systematic approach which builds on a child’s existing understanding.

  • Enactive (action-based)CPA Method
  • Iconic (image-based)
  • Symbolic (language-based
  • In S.A.M, it is known as the CPA method

Concrete Stage

  • Use of Manipulatives
  •  Helping children make sense of what they are learning

Concrete Stage

Concrete Stage

 Pictorial Stage
Using pictures and images to solve a problem.

CPA Pictorial


CPA Pictorial

  • Abstract is the 'symbolic' stage, where children are able to use abstract symbols to model problems (Hauser)
  •  Only once a child has demonstrated that they have a solid understanding of the 'concrete' and 'pictorial' representations of the problem can the teacher introduce the more 'abstract' concepts, such as mathematical symbols.
  •  Children are introduced to the concept at a symbolic level using only numbers, notation, and mathematical symbols, for example +, –, x, / to indicate addition, subtraction, multiplication or division.

CPA Abstract