Singapore Students’ Common Mathematics Mistakes Singapore Mathematics has been highly ranked in internationally recognised studies and assessments, such as the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). However, that does not mean that all students in Singapore will find it easy to master mathematics. Today we

Singapore maths inspires UK educators

Study finds that British children made more progress in subject when teachers used Singapore-style methods The Singapore style of teaching mathematics is already being used in thousands of schools across the United States. Now, it is making inroads into British schools as well. The Inspire Maths series of textbooks, adapted from the books here, were
One week after scoring top marks in a mathematics and science study, Singapore students aced an even more prestigious international benchmarking test, dubbed the “World Cup for Education”. The Republic’s 15-year-olds were ranked No 1 for mathematics, science and reading in the Programme for International Student Assessment (Pisa), a study done every three years, and
Singapore students are the world’s best in mathematics and science, according to a global benchmarking study released on Tuesday (Nov 29). Primary 4 pupils and Secondary 2 students here topped both subjects in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), a widely recognised achievement test by policymakers and educators worldwide. Around 12,600 students

Parent’s Information Session

What makes Singapore Math so internationally acclaimed? Find out more about Seriously Addictive Mathematics, the only Singapore Math centre in Hong Kong and discover how you can give your child an edge. * For 4-12 year old children Come for our Parents Information session: Date: 1st of June 2017 Time: 10-11.30am Place: One Island South